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Doing Inventory

Stay connected with your team at all times

Give immediate feedback on-field performance, enjoy instant results increasing customer satisfaction and exchange valuable info in real-time to boost performance and productivity.

Know their attendance and working hours.

See employees work activity at any time.

Locate the best routes to ensure on-time services.

Know that all appointments were completed on time.

CRM Directory

Grant your service the essential CRM functionality to address your business-specific needs and requirements. You offer a fast service to your customers and provide your field employees with a simple solution to make their job tasks more manageable. A directory of places can be turned into a comprehensive database for customers and prospects using the custom fields.

EmployTask Connect Your Team
EmployTask Connect Your Team
EmployTask Connect Your Team

Assign Jobs by Location

When an urgent job task comes up, employtask will find the closest team member within the job location. Enable efficient job dispatch to provide excellent service and do more with fewer resources. The employee will immediately see the task and the details of the service on their phone. Providing the team with optimized routes.

Assign By Job Location

Connect Your Team

During the day, field and office staff are at a distance from each other. To act together, each of them needs to communicate with the field employees on time. Therefore, you don’t have to waste more time chasing paper trail or rifling through email to find out what happened.

EmployTask Connect Your Team
Connect Your Team
EmployTask Connect Your Team
EmployTask Connect Your Team

Work Status

Design statuses for mobile workers and orchestrate field performance for even better productivity. Set up a status list for each team member or the whole team, e.g., “available,” “on my way to a client,” “at lunch,” etc. Enable mobile workers to select current statuses and visualize their activities.

Work Statis

Management Teamwork

Harmonize office-to-filed communication to enhance field performance. Indicate the activity of every team member. Entitle managers to better visibility for better maneuvering of their teams to maximize the day-to-day activity.

EmployTask Connect Your Team
EmployTask Connect Your Team
Management Teamwork
EmployTask Connect Your Team

Sync Data

Now you can see what is going on on the field. Get rid of cumbersome procedures. Have the data available back to the office as soon as the mobile form is filled out. Make it easy for your team to drag and drop tools to create the documents that your teams and clients will appreciate. Mix and match any components from text fields and images to ratings and signatures.

Sync Data

Instant File Transfers

Empower the file transfers directly from your mobile, attaching valuable materials files, pictures, and e-signatures. All the data will be securely stored and sorted out. The files can be viewed at any moment as soon as the supervisor clicks on the required date. Apply transparent and fast data exchange to automate routine operations and streamline the processes for office managers.

EmployTask Connect Your Team
Instant File Transfers

Are you already using other company services?

If you are not satisfied with your current mobile field service provider, let’s transfer your field employees to our platform. It’s very easy!  

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